Handing over ceremony of 4 ambulances and emergency obstetric care equipment from United Nations Joint Programme 2 to Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
On 13th December 2011 -- The WHO and UNFPA Representatives on behalf of the United Nations Systems through Joint Programme 2 (JP 2) on Maternal, Newborn and Child mortality reduction, handed over to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, four ambulances and emergency obstetrics, newborn and child care equipment worth US$ 600,252 equivalent to Tshs 1,019,829,160.
The Medical equipment purchased through WHO is worth US$. 347,736 equivalent to T-Shillings 574,459,872. The items included 100 Caesarian Section Sets, 100
Sphygmomanometers (BP Machines), 15 Anesthetic machines, 1000 Neonatal Resuscitation kits, 100 Stethoscope, 40 Doppler Machine, 123 Child Growth Standards
equipment (weighing scales and length boards).